Fetal Anomaly Abortion Care in Washington, DC
When you discover that your unborn baby has a severe congenital abnormality or lethal health problem, your choice is both terribly difficult and heartbreaking. The staff of Washington Surgi-Clinic has the expertise, experience, and compassion to help you through this complicated time and address your needs in these unique circumstances.
We are proud that many physicians throughout Washington, DC, including fetal-maternal medicine specialists, trust us to help and treat their patients.
We understand that this was likely a desired and planned pregnancy and that you are probably feeling overwhelmed emotionally, psychologically, and physically. Our staff and physicians are experienced in working with families during fetal anomaly abortions and are dedicated to not only providing the best medical care but also to honoring the loss you and your family are experiencing.
Our doctors specialize in caring for patients with a history of Caesarean (C-section) deliveries.
We are committed to ensuring that you receive the emotional support you need and deserve.
NOTICE: Learn about fake clinics that do not offer abortion care.